I’m SO excited to announce the first #SpeakatHomeTonight Challenge! I’ve been thinking about how I can help you all achieve the most language learning in the shortest month of the year and since I like to keep things interesting, I’m challenging all of you (and myself!) to #SpeakatHomeTonight every night of February! Here’s how it works: I will post a video teaching you how to say something in another language. For 7 days, use my video as a prompt to practice your spoken language skills or film yourself doing something on your own! The goal is to SPEAK! It will feel awkward and uncomfortable but push past that because that’s exactly the threshold you’d like to get through to become fluent, comfortable, and confident speaking the language that you want. Use the hashtag #SpeakatHomeTonight so I can find your posts on all social media platforms. Being able to hear yourself and your progress is SO helpful!! Don't be shy. Join in at any time, on any platform. Record yourself on video practicing the language. It’s so helpful to see and hear your progress. You can watch and listen along to the video that I post every day and try to repeat and mimic what I am saying. You can add your own name and city to the short, German introduction video I've posted below. Watch, listen, and repeat. You’re speaking German! As always, please let me know if you have any questions! Stay in touch with me here, over on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and like, comment and let me know if you accept my challenge! Remember to subscribe on YouTube.
Slow German Lesson 13:
Der Neujahrsvorsatz/The New Year's Resolution {Deutsch/German} Hallo, wie geht's euch? Mir geht es ganz gut. Ich entspanne mich ein bisschen Zuhause. Bei mir ist es gemütlich denn draußen ist es ganz kalt. Also, ich wollte sehen ob ihr irgendwelche Vorsätze getroffen habt. Also hast du einen Neujahrsvorsatz? Möchtest du vielleicht mehr lesen? Oder vielleicht ein bisschen weniger auf dem Handy zu sein? Also...möchtest du vielleicht dreimal pro Woche ins Fitnesstudio gehen? Lass mich wissen was du machen wirst! Was hast du vor dieses Jahr? Also frohes neues Jahr 2018! Wir sehen uns bald. Tschüss! {Englisch/English} Hi, how are you all? I'm doing quite well. I'm relaxing a bit at home. It's really cozy here because outside it's quite cold. So I wanted to see if you guys have made any resolutions? So, do you have a New Year's Resolution? Would you maybe like to read more? Or maybe spend a little less time on your cell phone? So...would you like to maybe go to the gym three times per week? Let me know what you will do! What are you planning to do this year? So, Happy New Year 2018! I'll see you soon. Bye! As always, please let me know if you have any questions! Stay in touch with me here, over on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and subscribe on YouTube. Heute - Today Heute ist Freitag! - Today is Friday! Seit ihr bereit für das Wochenende? - Are you guys ready for the weekend? Ich schon! - I sure am! {Deutsch/German} Hallo! Wie geht's euch heute? Heute ist Freitag. Also ich bin bereit für das Wochenende. Ich kann nicht warten. Was macht ihr am Wochenende? Was machst du am liebsten? Schläfst du gerne? Oder gehst du in die Stadt? Was machst du? Lasst mich wissen! Wir sehen uns. Tschüss! {Englisch/English} Hello! How are you all today? Today is Friday. So, I am ready for the weekend. I cannot wait. What are you all doing this weekend? What do you like to do most? Do you like to sleep? Or do you go to the city? What do you do? Let me know! See you. Bye! As always, let me know if you have any questions and stay in touch with me here, over on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and check out the secret videos over at Patreon! Der Winter - The Winter Winter in many parts of Europe truly last six months. From, let's say the end of October to end of April. That is why it is important that people find ways to enjoy the winter months. When I lived in Ljubljana (pictured above from my Instagram) it was gray almost every single day during the long winter months. Luckily, the city is so beautiful, so it was easier to find ways to find joy in the little things. Winter in Philly on the other hand is full of crisp days with beautiful sunshine - my favorite kind of winter weather! As they say, it's always sunny in Philadelphia. Klagenfurt Winter in Klagenfurt, pictured below. Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, es gibt nur falsche Kleidung. There is no bad weather, there is only the wrong clothing.
This post was inspired by Annik Ruben's Slow German Podcast which can be found here.
Slow German Lesson 11 - Der Winter {Deutsch/German} Was findest du am schönsten im Winter? Natürlich ist es am schönsten wenn der Schnee liegt draußen und die Sonne scheint. Mm..das ist aber schön. Dann können wir einen Spaziergang im Schnee machen. Wir können einen Schneemann bauen oder eine Schneeballschlacht machen. Oder vielleicht kann man Schlittschuhfahren gehen Vielleicht ein bisschen Skifahren oder...ja...was noch? Wie sieht euer Winter aus? Was machst du am liebsten? Lasst mich wissen! Wir sehen uns. Tschüss! {Englisch/English} What do you like best about winter? Of course, it is the most beautiful when there is snow outside and the sun is shining. Mm..that is nice. Then, we can take a stroll in the snow. We can build a snowman or have a snowball fight. Or maybe you like to go ice skating Maybe, do a bit of skiing or ... yes ... what else? What does your winter look like? What do you like to do most? Let me know! See you. Bye! As always, let me know if you have any questions and stay in touch with me here, over on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and check out the secret videos over at Patreon! |
Nikki PršaPolish-American Polyglot, Language Expert, German Teacher, M.Ed., married to my dream guy, the Croatian Sensation. Let's connect! Archives
May 2020
DISCLOSUREI aim to provide as much free content as possible to help teach others around the world how to speak another language. I am trying out using affiliate links, which means that I may earn a tiny commission if you click on a link or make a purchase through a link posted here. All opinions and materials are my own, unless otherwise stated. If you use and like my materials, let me know! :)